Destec Engineering, G-Range pipe connections
Designed to meet the requirements of plant operators.
G-Range pipe connections are available in all material grades required by Norsok M630 and Statoil TR2000 from manufacturers qualified to Norsok M650. This was one of the connections originally approved by Statoil when it carried out interchangeability tests in 1996.
Owing to their efficiency, lightness and reliability, combined with extreme leak tightness, G-Range pipe connections offer significant benefits in industrial plant for a wide variety of applications.
Although designed primarily for adverse pressure and temperature conditions, less demanding applications can be considered owing to their ease of installation and assembly – particularly compared with the alignment and tightening of standard flanges.
The G-Range pipe connection comprises a pair of hubs for welding to the pipe (similar to a flange), a clamp set which can be rotated around the hubs to suit the most practical positions, and a seal ring.
The last of these is a modified cone ring which provides excellent leak tightness under the most severe conditions of pressure and/or thermal shock.
On assembly, the taper joint faces compress the seal ring radially. Sealing force is provided by the stored energy in the stressed seal ring, and any internal pressure will intensify the sealing action.